FontSize can be used to control font sizes from scaled weights with settings:.With ImageSize fully specified, rescaled font sizes are used so that the resulting word cloud will fit in the specified image size.With ImageSize Automatic, the actual font sizes used are specified by FontSize, and the computed ImageSize will vary to fit the word cloud.Specify the seeding for random word orientationįunction to determine whether to include a word Whether to ignore case when computing multiplicities Whether to scale weight argument of ColorFunction WordCloud has the same options as Graphics, with the following additions and changes:.Nonzero pixels of a rasterized Graphics object The cloud shape mask can be given in the following forms:.Data not given in the form above is taken to be missing and will be ignored.Each of the s i can be given a symbol wrapper, which affects its behavior or rendering:ĭisplay in the status area when moused over.WordCloud generates a word cloud of the words in ' string'.WordCloud returns a Graphics object where each object s i is displayed with linear dimensions proportional to its weight.They are rendered in the word cloud however they would normally be displayed. The s i can be strings or any other expression.
Word clouds are also known as tag clouds and are often used to visualize popularity of phrases or words in a given context.